It's going to be a short one tonight, I'm afraid; I'm writing this even later than usual. Jazlin and I spent a fun day indulging in our purpose for coming all the way out to Cardiff: Doctor Who. For those of you who don't know, Doctor Who is a british sci-fi show that Jazlin and I both watch, which is based out of Cardiff. Many of episodes have been set in locations in and around the city, and the Doctor Who Experience is kind of a semi-interactive exhibition/museum, if that makes any sense.
The experience itself was fun, but not as exciting as what we managed to squeeze into afterward: a visit to the actual studio where Doctor Who is filmed. They brought us to the only permanent set used in the show; the Tardis (which is the main character's "vehicle" for traversing space and time.) They actually took us into the Tardis and let us walk around and gawk at it... without touching anything, of course, as it is a working set which will be used to start filming the christmas special episode in just a couple of weeks.
The studio does not just film Doctor Who. In fact, our tour guide informed us that the largest green screen in Europe was just next door in studio three (the Tardis is in studio four, in case anyone is curious.) We were very lucky to be able to visit, as after filming resumes in a couple of weeks, they aren't sure when the set will next be available. I would ramble a bit more, but this has already been a longer post than it probably should have and I once again, should really get some sleep (12:54am, anyone?) Enjoy the pictures!
(That last one is the lovely little hostel we are staying at. There aren't any of the actual set that we went to, but I'll see if I can get around to that later.)
Comments are spiffy! :D
I can't believe you got to go in the Tartus(sp?), I think I might almost be jealous! Keep up the great posts!
Hi love the blog ,the Tardis wow,
Hi Lindsey,
We are following your every move thanks to your blog. Half the roof is completed, it's time to start the 2nd half. Grandma and I went into Eugene today for medical appointments and on the way back stopped for some peaches and 3 bags of alfalfa pellets at Pleasant Hills. Kathy wasn't home so dropped off the feed and few peaches for her. Lots of love, Grandpa & Grandma
Ummm... Jazlin is standing awful close to that red-eyed Ood. It's making me nervous...
Yes! Don't blink! Excellent advice, Lindsey!
And never apologize for short posts. Short posts = Having too much fun to sit.
Oh, and did you hide some gum somewhere in the Tardis? That way you could watch the Christmas episode and say, "Hey! There's my gum over there!" Of course then you'd be risking an infinitely recursive temporal paradox which could cause the universal matter/antimatter ratio to go all wobbly, utterly destroying us and all possible time streams.
*sighs* Ah well.
Wow, I think your aunt Claudia had a longer post than the blog. You are loved and followed closely by many of us. Took my Family up and raided sunflowers, blueberries, and your mom gave great tour in your absence. You float my pony, on my boat! Janice
Envy! Blistering envy! I feel like I imagine daisies feel when they see a chrysanthemum (spelled that right on my first try.) Gah! Also you should have taken a picture with you and El on Torchwood's secret exit.
Also wouldn't a home-made Ood costume be awesome!?
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