Thursday, August 15, 2013


Location: Oxford, England to Cardiff, Wales

Hey everyone! First I want to say thanks for all your comments - I've been receiving and enjoying them. Just a note: if you don't say who you are somewhere I have no way of knowing. If you're fine with that, then no worries. Otherwise it's always nice to know who you are :) (almost every comment has said, so good job.)

Anyhow, today Jazlin and I checked out of our hostel and headed to take a tour of Oxford Castle. We had a fun tour guide who proclaimed himself to be a 250 year old former inmate (the castle was used as a jail all the way up until the 1990s) who had escaped using lock-picking and horse-thief skills he learned from fellow inmates. After our tour of the castle, we climbed the Mound (a big grassy hill next to the castle which was created from dirt dug up by Saxon slaves building a fortification wall that used to encircle the entirety of Oxford.)

We also found a little electronics shop and got a card reader so that we could offload our pictures onto the computer and post some more on here. During our train to Cardiff (which is in Wales: east of England but still part of the UK) we got everything off of both my cameras and Jazlin's camera, but I haven't had too much time to sort them, so I'm only posting some highlights.

We're now staying in a little place that's more like a B&B then a hostel (but for a hostel-like price) along the edge of Cardiff 's river. It's quite nice, and has a pretty big variety of people and age groups staying at it. Less party atmosphere and more low-key hang out atmosphere. Which is cool. Less cool is the fact that there's no WiFi in our room, so right now I am being forced to be social down in the TV room. That said, I'd better get to bed soon (it's 11:11pm here!)

As always, try to leave me a comment :)

(All these are from places I've listed in my blog somewhere - sorry for the lack of individual captions.)


M said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hey ya! Nice pictures- I love the water garden one most. Way to diversify the clothing. (I have a new First Student shirt - not as exciting!) How is the weather? And what is it like using foreign money?

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


I like your pictures.

I wish I could take pictures like you.

Claudia said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Alright, I couldn't help myself... anonymous above is me. Teehee!

But seriously--GORGEOUS pictures! Wow! What lovely sights you get to see! You are so fortunate to be there with your best friend, great camera, and awesome talent of photo-taking.

Be sure to protect that camera. I think everyone I've ever known to travel Europe (including myself) has gotten at least one camera stolen on the trip (especially on trains and in hostels). Just a thought.

The Oxford Castle tour sounds intriguing!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You are really good at that whole photography thing. But you get compliments about that all the time, so let me just take a moment to express how interesting and readable these blog posts have been! You should keep it up. My hopes for this day are that someone introduced themselves to you!