Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Denizens of Kruger National Park

Because I always seem to end up getting busy and not posting anything, I thought I'd at least put up some pictures from my safari in South Africa. Enjoy!


grandparents said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hi Lindsey,

We've been tracking your voyage across the South Atlantic on our globe with a little pointer I made from a sticky pad. Feels like we are there with you! Seems like everybody following your escapades are excited about your getting to visit Buenos Aires at the end of your long trip, ourselves included. Hope the weather is agreeable and you get to spend enough time on shore to soak up some of the local Espanol. I'm not complaining, but either your spell checker doesn't understand Spanish or I'm spelling all the words wrong. Probably the latter.

We've got almost all the material needed to build the recreational side of the porch but the weather has not been cooperating over the past several days so the thought of putting the roof on first has occurred to us at this point and that may be the way to go looking at the upcoming weather reports.

It's good to hear the people in charge of your ship activities have done such a great job of provided so much fun and entertainment for everyone along the way of such long voyage across the Atlantic. At this point, being over half way must also be helping to lighten thing up.

Grandma just suggested that this might be over bloviating for a Sea Blog so I'll hang up for the time being. Thanks for your super critter pictures!


Grandma said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hi, Lindsey,
Your attractive creature with the short, straight horns is a Klipspringer. The bird with the curved beak is a hornbill. Some great names, eh what? Both are native to southern Africa.
(No, really?)
We love your blogs and photos!
Hope you enjoy Buenos Aires!
Thinking of you.
Love, Grandma