Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pictures from Glendalough and Trinity College


grandparents said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hi Lindsey,

Hope things are still going well on your trip. Things have been busy here in spite of the torrential rain we have been having. The weather has cleared up and now it is getting cold at night with some frost on the back porch last night.

Yesterday, I had the hay trailer on the back of the Jeep (mine, not yours!)and was coming home from Jerry's with a load of lumber for the ranch porch and 100 tiles for our side walk at about 4:00PM when the trailer blew the left rear tire. There was a place to pull off where the entrance of the rest home for the elderly is on the back road into Eugene. With no spare and no tools it was necessary to abandon the the trailer with all the loot and drive on home to get the spare off the horse trailer, lug wrench from the Winnebago and the floor jack out of the garage and a flash light. Grandma got me something to eat and came along with me to rescue the trailer. Nothing had been taken and to make an already long story a little shorter, she held the flashlight while I changed the tire (the old one totally mangled)and we got back home around 10:00PM with the trailer in tact and glad to be here.

Tomorrow morning Alex is going to dig holes for the back porch poles and I will be working on leveling out more of the sidewalk for the tiles.

Love ya and take care. -Grandpa

Janice said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hola Amiga
We just got home from Idaho and I have plenty of sorting and 4H horse stories for your mom. Going to drop by mañana to retrieve Mo and visit your familia Thank you for the guided world tour. And I love the photos . Need more posts on foods. Love Janice.

Janice said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh, did I mention that the weather here is gorgeous and the ducks won, again. Go ducks!